Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Wow have we got a lot going on this week!!

This week is looking to be quite busy for my little b-day girls!! School M,W,F - as usual.... Diego's (that's Papa to those of you who don't know) birthday is Wednesday, so we're going to be busy making lots and lots of cards I'm sure - hehe...

Thursday is the girls FIFTH birthday!! I can't believe how the time went by... What happened to my little drooly, pumpkin heads?!?! We'll be going out to lunch to celebrate and then heading over to Wicked Fun Art for an afternoon of arts and crafts, glitter and glue - a nice mess I'm sure, but thats OK with me cause I don't have to clean it up!!!!

Bella's diabetes fundraiser is up and running... her website (if you'd like to look or donate) is:


We've only had it running for 2 days, and she's already half way to her goal!! It's amazing! We're going to up the goal to $600 for now, and hopefully we'll raise much more than that! Bella is just so excited! She doesn't understand the amount of $, but she's glad she's helping find a cure! (how cute, huh?!?!)

On the subject of Bella, her face is healing quite nicely.... She's quite a rainbow of colors now... green, blue, purple, and yellow to be exact... poor thing - it just looks a mess!

Lastly, One Friday - we have an audition for a comercial for Hasbro's new Baby Alive doll... The girls are very excited! Right now there are only 2 other kido's auditioning, so we'll see what happens! Hopefully the girls will have fun, and do a good job - we'll see.... It all depends on their moods on Friday - haha.....

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